I love when we have specials launch on Mondays! I always KNOW that you are going to be able to earn great product at great prices!
Let's talk about Happy Holideals first!

Simply go to my website, and click on the Deals tab! Get 30-40% off decorative products in the Happy HoliDeals category. You will also find BOGO punches and BMCs there!
Plus there is a HOT new Buy-It-All Bundle, Sun Soaked, dropping on Monday!

I have vacations to finish, and this bundle is coming to me at exactly the right time!
This makes my beach-lovin' heart so happy! I still have sea turtles to scrap from Hawaii, and I can't wait to use that punch! The Buy-It-All bundle will be discounted at $87. I would think I will be making a workshop for this one in mid-December. My new format for workshops is four single pages and one double page layout. I will teach companion pages for my singles on my YouTube channel.
The matching album for this bundle is GORGEOUS!

What a fantastic Monday it's going to be! I will be one of the first ones shopping, I am sure!! I need the bundle, and I can't wait to see what's in the HoliDeals! Specials start at Noon CT!
Thanks for stopping by!
